from Sexto Sol:
The band will be performing both Friday and Saturday. Friday, Septemeber 2nd we will be performing a late night gig at the Travis 151 (151 E. Travis St @ N. St Mary's St.) with DJ Leonard Spinnard and DJ R08OTICO joining us. The show starts at 10pm. $4.
On Saturday, September 3rd....we need Sexto Sol fans to come out and represent at Luna Fine Music Club (6740 San Pedro Ave.) for a live recording for the upcoming "Live at Luna" CD compilation. We need your energy on Saturday and here's a chance for you to be immortalized on celluloid (or in this 1's and 0's on a computer :)). The show will start promptly at 9pm but please be forewarned that tables go very quickly over there so you might consider showing up early. It will be a great night of music. 9pm start, $5 cover.