Monday, November 28, 2005

The Guitar Zone with Anthony Castilla

Hey everybody,

I mentioned to Anthony Castilla of SpitFire that Kel and I were talking one day and thought it would be cool to have a section for musicians on, with tips, techniques, etc. He offered to do a guitar section, with some guitar theory, interviews, featured guitarists, etc. And the other day he sent me the first installment, so go check it out at

If you have any comments or suggestions or want to be interviewed or featured, e-mail Anthony at or

I had planned to get links up to The Guitar Zone and the band photos today, but ended up watching The Punisher instead (sorry, but it's a good movie...lots of gore!). Plus it's going to require some rearranging on here and on, so it's gonna be a bit of a project, but I'll have it finished sometime this week.