Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Monkey Blood is Back!

...And ready to rock this Friday night (Nov 4) at Lucky’s!

Monkey Blood is Jay Brown, Dave James and James Cervantes of Skunkweed plus two incredible guitar players Rick Rodriguez and Steve Yates. It is a band that once broke up and has now reunited after five years. Formed in 1996 these are all of the original members and they are back to prove that they can still rock the Asses off of the masses!

For those who remember Monkey Blood they already know that this reunion will be one hell of an event! So don’t miss their first show in five years this Friday night at Lucky’s!

Lucky’s is on the Nacogdoches corner of the Perrin Beitel thousand oaks intersection. It is across Nacogdoches from Midnight Rodeo.

Ps, Monkey Blood is also….
That red stuff your mom would put on your cuts and scrapes when you were a kid. Also known as Mercurochrome.