Friday, December 2, 2005

AntHill Society Tonight

from AntHill Society:

Tonight!! This is better than cable, better than sitting around the kitchen table talking about aunt Julie's Thyroid operation. The Society has picked up a last minute booking at Austin Street Live.

Lawton Oklahoma is a long way to go for a gig tonight - so thank goodness you don't have to do that.

Instead, make your way to Sequin, Texas just east of San Antonio on IH10. The address is 111 N. Austin St. a half a block North of the courthouse. If you need to call them the number is (830) 379-0286.

Cover is a purse splitting $3. Of course the new cd, Short of the Blues, as well as trendy Society merchandise will be available.

I have to ask you a question. What would it take to get you out to that gig tonight? If the warm fuzzies Matt Gilmore gives you doesn't do it you need to let me know what would. Is your living room very big? I'm not joking.

We call this a Society Give away of the highest order. Do you have a wedding, party, barmitzva, christening, picnic, debut, or just a beer bust planned? Between now and Jauary 31st, the AntHill will give each member of the audience a chance to have them perform for free anywhere and anytime the winner chooses. (restrictions do apply)

You must be present at the show to enter but not to win. Tonight is the first night of the contest entry. Just think: If you haven't been to a Society Event recently because you just didn't want to leave the house. Now you don't have to. We'll bring the Society to you.