Monday, March 20, 2006

Save the Riverwalk

Just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. There is an online petition to the San Antonio City Council you might want to take a look at. The petition's aim is to stop large chains and franchises from taking over the Riverwalk and causing it to lose its uniqueness and local flavor. The petition was created and written by local jazz-man Jim Cullum and Justin Arecchi, who recently had to close his hand-made ice cream shop after 25 years because he couldn't match the price paid by Landry's Inc., who wanted to put a Saltgrass Steakhouse there. Landry's also bought another historic downtown building last year to put up a Rainforest Cafe.

If you care about the San Antonio Riverwalk keeping its unique flavor, go check out this petition at The original deadline for the petition was March 7th, but I understand it has been extended. I don't know for how long though, so don't put off signing it!

(This is based on info I gathered from a forwarded e-mail and an article on