Saturday, March 11, 2006


I apologize that my internet service has been on and off all weekend. I haven't been able to get the schedules up because it's been going in and out. Also, apologies to those who sent me stuff to post that didn't get put up because I couldn't get online.

A note on the plus side before I get cut off again:

I don't know if any of you have heard of and the Music Genome Project, but it's a really cool site that helps guide you on your quest for music that you'll like, based on the qualities of the music that turns you on. Rolling Stone recently had an article about it, which turned me onto it. Anyway, my point is that I have an appointment to talk to someone from Pandora about local music. They sought me out, which tells me that SA music has drawn interest from other quarters, which I think is a good sign! I'll let you know how it goes!