from Johnny Drama:
We're playing two of our very favorite places, both of which have New York themes to them...hence the name for this weekend. First, we start out tomorrow night at WISE GUYS BAR. The name, the look, heck the owner, Salvatore, is from New York. You guys know how much we love to play there. Then we continue the party on Saturday night at SOHO Lounge. This place has been made up to give you that whole New York vibe as well. If you saw the pictures from our show there last month, you're aware of how crazy things get up in there. So here you go, make your plans now:
Friday September 1, 2006 @ 9:45 PM
Wise Guys Bar
502 Embassy Oaks
Saturday September 2, 2006 @ 9:45 PM
SOHO Lounge
12289 Nacogdoches @ Thousand Oaks
Now you all can see what's been going on at these two places by clicking on the following link: Maybe that'll give you some motivation to make your way on out there with us this coming weekend.
While I'm on the topic of viewing our pictures, the pictures for our last few shows are available on our official website. The pictures for Beerfest at Planeta BAR~RIO, the UTSA Women's Soccer Kick-Off, and Starlight Room are up so go and check them out.
Now honestly, does any other band provide you with more entertainment that JOHNNY DRAMA?...FORGET ABOUT IT!!! So we'll see you starting tomorrow for out New York, New York Weekend.