Go to:
Either Sign In or Create an Account at:
http://signin.cmgdigital.com/login/?extra=&next=/api/login/%3Fpostback%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.kissrocks.com%252Fur%252Fapi%252Ftoken%252F%257Btoken%257D%252F%26next%3D%252Fprofile%252Fedit%252Fprivate%252F&target=www.kissrocks.comThen complete the following survey no later than Wednesday, July 27th to be included in a drawing. Two (2) prizes, as an incentive, will be given away to two lucky participants.
(1)One person will win a pair of GREAT tickets to the 311 & Sublime With Rome concert August 14th at The Backyard in Austin.
(2) A second person will win $100 cash. You could buy concert tickets and a few extra “refreshments” at the show.
So just click on the link below and enter your email address to get started ... GOODLUCK!!!
(Link to survey): http://www1.radiobetter.com/KISS9/startpage.asp?LID