Sunday, September 1, 2013

Green House Concert with Rosie & The Ramblers at The Cove, Thursday Sept. 5th

Our next "Green House" Concert is Thursday September 5th!! The concerts are held in our "Green House" with limited seating. The intimate setting allows the artist to share their stories and music in a way that is sure to make you laugh and cry!

New songs from an old soul are what you'll find in Austin band Rosie and the Ramblers. Their sound is a juxtaposition of young and old, of modern and classic, of country, rock and blues. They will blaze through a Rolling Stones cover like wildfire then pad through a waltz with comfortable simplicity. Some of their most danceable songs are the most downhearted.Songwriter Selena "Rosie" Rosanbalm writes with sincerity, but not without a sense of humor. Her songs range from the raw and emotional to the catchy and hilarious, and the themes within them are influenced by Selena's childhood spent state-hopping around the United States. Themes include family, travel, and relationships, but the overall question Selena seems to try to answer is how can you let plant roots when the ground beneath you won't stop moving?"

September 5th
10. cover

Cove Green House