Hey everybody,
I mentioned to Anthony Castilla of SpitFire that Kel and I were talking one day and thought it would be cool to have a section for musicians on sarocks.com, with tips, techniques, etc. He offered to do a guitar section, with some guitar theory, interviews, featured guitarists, etc. And the other day he sent me the first installment, so go check it out at http://www.sarocks.com/GuitarZone/.
If you have any comments or suggestions or want to be interviewed or featured, e-mail Anthony at acastilla1@satx.rr.com or spitfireband5u@yahoo.com.
I had planned to get links up to The Guitar Zone and the band photos today, but ended up watching The Punisher instead (sorry, but it's a good movie...lots of gore!). Plus it's going to require some rearranging on here and on sarocks.com, so it's gonna be a bit of a project, but I'll have it finished sometime this week.