Saturday, December 2, 2006

The End of Ambition

AMBITION: An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power.

This was my downfall. When I started this site, I did so out of enjoyment and a passion for music. When it started becoming popular, I fell into the trap of AMBITION.

Thomas Jefferson said, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

I have developed the wrong mental attitude. I developed AMBITION and abandoned my ideal of an endeavor which I thought worthwhile and something I enjoyed. That in turn has turned something I enjoyed into something I stressed about. I would rather be involved in something I enjoy.

Thus, I have decided that I will NOT try to make any money off of this site, so that it will remain a passion and not an Ambitious Endeavor.

So...from now on, there is no advertising available on this site. If you want to help, you may. There will remain a button on the sidebar of the Blog where you can contribute to SA Rocks. You will be doing so because you think SA Rocks is a good thing that should continue and you would like to help out.

For me, this eliminates any duty I feel toward the local music community and frees me to enjoy music as I used to. It also eliminates any sponsors who are in it with the “What’s in it for me?” attitude or the “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality. And those who judge bands who advertise on here but do not contribute. I would like everyone to participate in making this a community effort, regardless of finances.

All past contributors will enjoy their ads until their time is up. And all recent contributors will enjoy their ads until they run out. I don’t want to screw anyone out of what we agreed they paid for.

Ah, what a feeling of relief! I can now go back to being a music lover and not someone trying to make money off someone else!! That just doesn’t suit me. I am freed.