Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Exit 3-1-who?

Ya, ya, we's been a while since the greatest band in the history of bands named Exit 314 has taken the stage. The holidays, jobs, various medical stuff -- you know, life -- have been harder to work around than a tumped over trailer load of angora goats on I-10 at rush hour.

But, dear friends o' the band, Exit 314 finally rides again! Here are the specs:

When: Saturday, Feb. 24, 8 pm

Where: Villarreal's Ice House, 18508 Bandera Rd. (about 3 miles past Helotes, on the right side of Hwy. 16 as you're headed out of town).

Who: Besides the band? Let's see, there's our bud Emil, who plans to make his homemade and almost famous German "frickadillies" -- certainly misspelled but definitely tasty, and free to all comers. Then there's our patron saint, Christine Villarreal, who loves the band and has never failed to charm anyone who graces the door of her establishment. And we hope the usual strong contingent of band friends, inlaws and outlaws will show up in force.

Why: Because, dude (or Dudette), we've all been cooped up by mostly horrible weather all winter, and it's time to get a head start on spring and rock out with the band! 'nuff said!

Need more directions? Call Christine or Angel at Villarreal's, 210-695-3627.

See ya Saturday night! -- Eric, Albert, Bruce, Joel and Randy