Thursday, March 29, 2007

Image is everything - press kits and merch

Music shouldn't be about image. It should be about the quality of the music and performance. Unfortunately, that is not the reality.

In the music industry, image plays a key role to each bands success. If you want to be successful, then every single aspect of the band has to portray that image. You should know your target market and the type of image that you want to portray and put that forth in all your performances, merchandising and press releases.

This is especially important in putting together your press kits and artist merchandising. The Artist Press Kit (Demo Package) Press Kits are used a lot in the music industry. Not only are they sent to record labels in hopes of getting signed but they are also used when trying to get on a tour, pick up a manager, or let the media know who you are. It's the first impression people in the music industry will get of your band.

Things your Press Kit should include:
  1. Band Biography - Keep it short. Who you are and what's going on with the band. No more then one page. Preferably have an English major write it up for you.
  2. Band Photography - 8" x 10" is Standard. The picture should be professional looking. Your promo shot should also encompass the essence of the band and the image you're going for. If you're short on money talk to photography majors at your local art institute.
  3. Press Clips/Achievements - This should include all notable achievements. This includes chart positions, number of CDs sold, big bands you have opened for, number of downloads, City and States you have toured in etc. No more then one page.
  4. CD - Should be as professional looking and sounding as possible. You only get one chance to make a good impression and you don't want to blow it with a studio demo in a paper sleeve. Again if you need help with this I am sure you can get some help from an Art Student.


Band Merchandise is part of the image you give to your fans, and in a lot of cases where the band will make most of its money. Many popular bands on labels actually make more money from merchandise sales then they do from CD sales.

You should try and get a wide range of items to sell. Stickers and buttons with your bands logo and at least 3 different shirt designs. Change your shirt designs with each new album release and every few months if you are actively touring. Shirt designs should also be along the same lines of the bands image.

For some ideas on shirt designs you can browse some of the label stores.

Sell your merchandise at all your shows, bands website and online stores like and

(Reprinted from