Sunday, April 29, 2007


Ok, I deleted the previous post because I'm pretty much over it now. Sorry...I was tired and I guess grouchy (and had a few beers too) and I checked my email and saw that someone had commented on Euphoria's announcement, "The NISD Teachers Association was disbanded. It was discovered that some of the members were following sub-par 80's bands and became tainted."

There seems to be more and more comments like this lately. I came back from my computer problems to find quite a few comments like that. It frustrates me because here I am putting my time and money into trying to promote music in this town and then what I assume are other musicians get on here and tear down bands.

So when I saw that I felt like, why am I busting my hump to help promote bands if they're going to defeat my efforts by insulting each other? What good does it do for me to put up a post saying this band is playing at this club if someone is going to go and post a comment pretty much saying that this band sucks?

But, after a day of mulling over this and some support from friends, I have decided I won't let some peoples' sour grapes attitudes get to me. So, sorry for the pissed off post and like I said, I'm over it now.