Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rock n Rescue - Revolution Room - Results


The second Rock n Rescue was held Wednesday, April 18th at The Revolution Room at 8123 Broadway. It was a face-to-face music competition between "51 Acres" and "Elijah Zane" and after it was over, "51 Acres" won the top spot. This means "51 Acres" is now in the semifinals for the chance to open for a national music act this summer at the AT&T Summer Concert Series at Sunken
Gardens Theater. It also means "Elijah Zane" can continue to compete during the next 11 Rock n Rescues which will be held around San Antonio through September. On May 1st, The national music acts that will play at the Sunken Gardens Theater this summer will be announced.

As with all of the Rock n Rescues, the City of San Antonio's Animal Care Services was able to take in needed donations from the crowd.  The Services Director, Jef Hale spoke about plan to reach a no-kill shelter to the audience and both bands made it a point to announce their support of the no-kill plans.

Rock n Rescue will take a break for Fiesta before resuming in April.