Thursday, May 3, 2007

The reason NEMESIS will no longer play at Roxy's.

from Nemesis:

Nemesis has been playing at Roxy's at least once a month for a long time.
We always got a great crowd response and even though the pay was below par compared to other venues around town we continued to play there once a month for our returning fans. That has ended.
For the fans we love we are sorry to say that  Nemesis is done playing at Roxy's.
On 4/20 Nemesis played to another great crowd and we all had a lot of fun. That is until we started packing-up our equipment after the show. That night one of the Doorman/Bouncer guys was off-duty and hanging out there. It appears he got into a heated argument with the Doorman/Bouncer that was on-duty. This made a number of us and customers that were still making their way out uncomfortable but we minded our own business. After a good 20 minutes the off-duty angry guy went outside but continued to display his anger. Note that during all this time the management and staff did little to address the situation. As the angry rants continued outside the entrance we began to pull our equipment outside as well. It was during this time we noticed a female approach the angry bouncer guy in an attempt to calm him down. She was yelled at then knocked to the ground. Note that part of this guys rant was him yelling something to the effect of, "… I'M A MAN NOT SOME F---IN PU--Y!"  - Yep, Umm Hmm. The guy that saw her get knocked down ran back inside and told the staff. They made little to no reaction. Not until all of us started voicing that this dude is getting out of hand and knocked a girl down did the owner's son venture outside. The yelling continued and the girl confronted this guy again to get another hard shove to the chest that knocked her down once more. We all saw this including some of the staff and they still did not make any attempt to control the situation. One of us did go out there to make sure the girl was ok and to try to reason with the guy a little but he was also greeted with a hard shove. Note, the other bouncer who may have provoked this guy to be so angry stayed inside cleaning the tables through this whole ordeal. Since Roxy's staff and management were not attempting to control the situation one of us called the cops. SAPD soon arrived and started talking to us and the angry guy and the staff all separately. Once they had the situation under control we told we could leave.
This incident was basically put to rest, that is until today.
We have just discovered that the staff and management have put the blame on the band, us, Nemesis for the disturbance.  
We simply wanted to make sure nobody got hurt since Roxy's staff and management did little to attempt to control this situation from getting out of hand.
I guess nice guys do finish last.
So for any of our regular fans looking for when we will be playing at that place again, sorry but it ain't gonna happen.
Checkout our schedule to see when and where we are playing.