Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wow, Tool Actually Showed Up!!

So I finally got to see Tool!

Tell you what, though...maybe this isn't true for everyone, I don't know, but it seems to have been true for me.

When, after I posted this pathetic post back in July 2006, I was so freakin' excited when Kel felt sorry for me and bought us all tickets to go to the concert. Well, September came and Tool rescheduled. Then that show came near and I got pretty excited again. Then Tool rescheduled again. Then May came and the new date was near...and dammit, I just couldn't seem to dredge up the same excitement for a third time.

I have no idea why that is. I love Tool no less than I loved them before. Maybe it's just difficult to keep getting excited and disappointed. I don't know.

Anyway, after the second cancellation, Kel refunded her tickets, but insisted I keep mine. So we went. No cameras were allowed so I don't have any pics of the show (unless one of you many people snapping them with your cell phones want to send me some).

I'm glad I went. We had a good time. It was great to finally get to see Tool live. Kinda reminded me of when I saw Pink Floyd live...there's so much cool stuff on the screens, you kinda forget to watch the actual band. Fractal and plasma patterns, space scenery, and of course those freaky figures that are always in the Tool videos doing freaky things.

We didn't stay for the whole show, unfortunately, for several reasons:

  1. I am deathly afraid of heights, and our tickets were top 0' the nosebleed. I honestly think, if I had stood up on my seat, I could have touched the ceiling of the AT&T Center. When, after 8 or 9 songs, I had to go down to the bathroom and saw the vendors packing everything up and figured the show must not be much longer, I couldn't bring myself to climb way back up there. I think, given my fear of heights, it was pretty brave of me to climb that high and remain that high up for as long as I did! Only for Tool!
  2. Being that it was a weeknight, we had to make sure we beat the crowds out. We just couldn't stay out as long as it would have taken for us to get home if we had to fight our way out of there.
  3. We couldn't afford to stay much longer financially! Those places just really gouge you! Even without paying for tickets, we spent more than $60 in the short time we were there. $10 for parking, almost $20 on drinks (that's 2 beers and a soda, btw) plus $38 for a t-shirt.
But the T-shirt is pretty cool. Here's the majority of the pattern (it's hard to scan a big t-shirt!):

Oh, we also got a Spurs cup with the soda. Bonus, eh?

Anyway, I wish we could have caught the whole show. I didn't get to hear "Sober," but I did get to hear "Schism," and those are my 2 favorite Tool songs. It was worth it. Thanks, Kel!!!!

I also found this in the comments on a post on here. Someone else's Tool experience:

I will start this off by saying that I am not a die-hard tool fan, but I can dig their music. Last night, with a group of great friends...we endured what few in San Antonio have had to endure.

A little background that I learned last night is that TOOL had cancelled the event twice!! First cause the lead singer lost his voice and the second because the drummer hurt his arm. If we lived in Las Vegas, they would have played through it. It wasn't like I heard a word from the lead singer last night anyway and the drummer was drowned out by the bad-ass guitar solos anyway too!

All in all, for them having cancelled on our fair city TWICE...you would expect an incredible show to make it up to their fans...they didn't deliver...

I had more fun buying their cool shirts and spent $250 at the souvenir stand. So needless to say, I won't expect much the next time they come around. We got in the car about 45 minutes before it was going to end, as did half the sold out crowd...and guess what was playing on the radio???

Yeah....TOOL!!! It sounded sooooo much better on the radio than in person...like night and day!

They should not only give refunds, but they should pay people to attend their next concert. Not free tickets, but give people a shirt if they show up to another flop concert.

The laser show was weak as well, and the most amusing part was the guy dropping acid a few rows ahead of me. Also, the girl who was using her cell phone as a light so her boyfriend could roll a joint was funny too. There was a lot of non-cigarette smoke in the air...and they frisked us all when we got close to the doors...go figure!

So, because of friends...the night was not lost. I am tired and hung over. I have some cool shirts and some unusual memories.
Anybody else want to share their experience at the show? Feel free to post in the comments or email me your story at rowanlafolle@gmail.com