Saturday, November 5, 2011

Press Release & Earned Media Discussion with Jim Beal / SA Express News, Tuesday Nov. 15th

Local Seveneightytwo
For working class musicians who can't afford ad space nor to pay a publicist, EARNED MEDIA is everything when it comes to building a presence beyond your performances. EARNED MEDIA is any bit of press you receive that you don't pay for. In dollars, it is the equivalent of what an advertiser would pay for the same amount of ad space. The key to EARNing MEDIA is based on your ability to communicate with and build a relationship with the media.

One of the most standard forms in the media world for providing information to the media and pitching a story for coverage is the PRESS RELEASE.

On Tuesday, November 15 Local 782 is happy to welcome guest Jim Beal, Music Editor for the San Antonio Express News. Jim will be hosting this discussion, revisiting professional standards and giving insight and tips for effective Media Relations.

Media Relations is crucial to DIY success, and it's very easy to put into practice once you understand exactly what media outlets are looking for.

Want to get your project some coverage?

Come out and learn how to EARN MEDIA.

This is event is free and open to the public of all ages. Meeting will wrap by 9pm.

Your donations are appreciated and help keep our doors open for future workshops/panels/events.

This free event is brought to you by Media Justice League and Local 782, your San Antonio Music Coalition.