Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heather Go Psycho Tour Kick Off at Boneshakers, Thursday Oct. 4th


Event Info 

The Young Costello's (ska) from Austin, TX & our very own local pop-punk band Given A Chance will be helping us say good bye to all our friends and family. We will be leaving to the Mid-west/ East Coast, this is our second 10day tour and we are super excited to represent San Antonio once again!

Come out to the new Boneshakers! Lets rock out & dance around!

$3 at the door will help HGP go East!
Also, FREE KISSES to anyone who donates extra to the tip jar!

Young Costello 10pm
Given A Chance 11pm
Heather Go Psycho 12am

Its an early show, so lets show the love!
