“Sheer Bloody Lunacy” tells the story of a group of models who stumble into a castle while on a photo shoot. The castle's owner, an obsessed bodybuilder and ex-action movie star named Travis Anderson, disdains any contact with the outside world and its "inferior humans." Soon the 300-year-old spirit of the Crimson Executioner is awakened, and the beautiful people begin to meet their gory demise....
Experience the horror of the Crimson Executioner's revenge in “Sheer Bloody Lunacy!,” a musical adapted from Bloody Pit of Horror, an Italian movie in the public domain. The cabaret horror-comedy musical plays for two nights only, Friday and Saturday, October 26 and 27, 10:30 pm, at Boneshakers Pub in San Antonio, Texas.
This new musical has it all: original music, lingerie models, blood, half-naked men, fight scenes, hilarious choreography, weird effects, and, a ludicrous plot. It is produced by PUB-Lick Theatre Productions, a new company dedicated to staging theatre pieces in unconventional spaces such as pubs. Producers include Christie Beckham, Jon Gillespie, and Chris Berry.
The show was originally presented at the Overtime Theater in San Antonio four years ago. The book and lyrics have been updated and streamlined by Jon Gillespie, and the staging adapted by director Michael Benson, to take place in a space that encourages improvisation and audience interaction: Boneshakers Pub, a San Antonio bar and grill that seats approximately 60 people. Boneshakers is known for its alternative music programming, offering rock and jazz along with a large variety of beer and wine and a simple but delicious menu.
As patrons drink their cold brews, actors stationed in various spots around the bar will perform the musical. A live band led by composer Phillip Luna will play the rock-disco soundtrack. The actors don't perform just onstage. Instead, they might sit and drink along with the rest of the bar crowd. Other times, an actor may be flirting with an audience member, or taking a bathroom break, and have to sing or recite her lines under a little extra pressure, so to speak.
“I want the audience to feel like they’re in an Italian giallo film, like Dario Argento’s poorly funded, not nearly as talented cousin,” said director Michael Benson. “The audience should dress appropriately because blood and oil will be splashing everywhere.”
Make your reservations today for “Sheer Bloody Lunacy!” It’s an original that can be seen nowhere else but San Antonio.
Cast: Christie Beckham, Michael Benson, Chris Berry, Paige Blend, Amanda Golden, Joseph Gomez, Mark Hicks, Beth Morgan, Walter Songer, and Jason Vela.
Directed by Michael Benson. Choreography by Chris Berry and Paige Blend (based on Charles Barksdale’s original choreography). Original music by Phillip Luna, and lyrics and book adaptation by Jon Gillespie.
Dates: October 26 and 27, 2012.
Times: 10:30 pm Friday and Saturday.
Place: Boneshaker’s Pub, 306 Austin Street, San Antonio TX 78215.
Cost: $10 general admission. Cash or checks at the door.