Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Idea Festival 2013 Closing Night at Hot Wells, Sunday Feb. 24th


First set
A site-specific installation/ performance featuring:
Bonnie Jones
Catherine Lamb
Dafne Vicente-Sandoval
Chris Cogburn
Misha Marks
Xavier Lopez
Second set
Site of sight program:
Rick Reed
w/ film by Ken Jacobs
Bryan Eubanks
Maggie Bennett
Third set
Milo Tamez
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten
Remi Álvarez

The closing night of No Idea 2013 presents three different programs, each utilizing the dynamic architectural space of the Hot Wells; the remnants of a turn of the century resort in central San Antonio. Libations provided by Saint Arnolds and hors d’œuvres provided by culinary virtuosos Justin Parr and Misha Marks.

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