DELTRON 3030, Kid Koala, DJ Jester, The Filipino Fist, Paint By Numbers & Kree23bn at The Korova, Tuesday March 25
""Deltron 3030is composed of a trinity of alt-rap all-stars: Master lyricist Del The Funky Homosapien, virtuosoturntablistDJ Kid Koalaand superproducer Dan "The Automator" Nakamura.Individually, they stand at the top of their respective musical disciplines; together, on the eponymous Deltron 3030, they warped space, bent time, transcended genre and blew minds, creating an album that still stands today as one of the most important records in the annals of underground hiphop. Critics called it a masterpiece — both timely and avant garde: "Exactly what you might expect from such a teaming: a wildly imaginative, unabashedly geeky concept album," said "It's not only one of the best albums in either of their catalogs, but one of the best to come out of the new underground, period." Pitchfork called Nakamura the "poet laureate of creepy, oppressive beats," describing the album as an "exciting" reimagining of "the future from the bottom up" that reveals Del as a "surprisingly acute social critic." Now, over a decade later, they're finally releasing the long-awaited followup to their debut — an album titled Deltron 3030: Event II.
"This record took 13 years, and the whole time fans are telling us we better come out with Deltron right now — quit teasing me," says Del. "Well, this is beyond a regular album. We're bringing it all together here, and the fans, the critics, they all going to be surprised by what we got. You'll see. When it comes out, if you got the money, you're going to wanna go buy it."
Or, as Nakamura puts it: "There isn't another record that's like this — it's different from anything else I've done and anything else that's out there. This is going to sound incredibly pompous, but to me, this is the greatest rap record of all time." $20 Presale | $23 Day of Show Doors: 8:00 | All Ages Welcome
Ticket Outlets: The Paintyard, Crackerbox Palace, Black Fly Metamorphasis (Ingram) &