Friday, May 2, 2014


The Mix, March 21st, Set-time was midnight to close. Vehicle broken into on Paschal Street.

"This guitar was stolen from my buddy while playing a gig on the N. St. Mary's Strip at The Mix. If you see this guitar in a pawn shop or wherever plz let Kurt Strazdins the rightful owner or myself know if you see this magical axe, I will owe you big time. I ask all my six string brothers and sisters to repost this. Its a BC Rich Gunslinger and was the Daddy of all the magical lead licks for the Grackles."

"This guitar is kind of a mutt. It was a Primer Grey BC Rich Strat body with a Birdseye Maple replacement neck. There is no decal on the headstock. The back was covered in stickers (Burger Boy and God Bless Johnny Cash being the biggest). It had a silver volume knob, one black humbucker and a black tremelo system. There are also areas on the guitar where the original neon pink paint job has rubbed through. $100 reward no questions asked."