Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Flashback Update

from Flashback:

After a couple weeks off to fulfill various family obligations and just have a little time off, we'll be back to a full schedule starting this weekend. Friday night, the 24th, we'll be at Main Street (13477 Wetmore 210-490-3038). Saturday night, the 25th, we'll be returning to Tripp's Humor Bar (210 E. Aviation in Universal City 210-659-1090). We've played at Tripp's a number of times, but this will be the first time with the whole band (Lupe has missed out on every other gig we've played there).

Our time off wasn't completely unproductive, as we managed to squeeze in a rare (and short) band practice - which resulted in eight new additions to our set lists. We're hoping to find the time in April for another one so we can knock out a few more from the monstrous to-do list. So many songs, so little time...

We now have videos available for download on the website. Not the greatest quality and the file sizes are larger than we'd hoped, but it's a start. As Brad figures out how to work his programs more effectively we should be able to shrink the file sizes while restoring some of the quality. The plans also include offering short samples of each video for those who don't want to deal with the large downloads. In the meantime, you can check out what's there on the Songs page.

Roger is in the process of looking into having Flashback shirts made. We hope to have some available in the near future. The danged things ain't cheap unless you buy bulk, but he may have found a solution...

Finally, Gen's Menage (Gen, Josh and Brad) is playing at Orphan Annie's (3621 West Ave. 210-377-0744) on Wednesday nights through the end of March (and hopefully beyond), and the Lava Lounge (1515 N. St. Mary's 210-277-5151) on Sunday nights for the foreseeable future. Definitely not unplugged; it's a fun, intimate and relaxed show where you can hear a different side of Gen's amazing voice, as well as hearing Josh and Brad spontaneously break into songs they've never played before.

As always, we truly appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you
at our shows!