Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Johnny Drama at Starlight

from Johnny Drama:

Was it just me or were all of you out to party extra hard this past weekend? Man, It was great to see all of you out and celebrating St. Paddy's Day with us at Hooligan's Bar and Grill. The festivities were off the hook. Those of you who weren't there really missed out on one helluva party!!! The place was filled to the rafters. Both the upstairs and downstairs were packed and it just never faded out. On behalf of all the guys in the band, I want to thank both Shana and Trevor for giving us this great opportunity and we hope to be back at Hooligan's again very soon.

Saturday we played at Tiffany Billiards...hold on! It's not Tiffany Billiards anymore. The new official name is Tiffany Sports Bar & Patio and I have to say, they have a done a great job with this place. It's not your daddy's Tiffany Billiards anymore. They have added an outdoor patio in the back and they are really working on changing the overall atmosphere to the place. Yet I digress...the show Saturday night was awesome. As always, we had a great number of you loyal friends who came out to show some love. We also made some new friends that night as well. The staff was fantastic, from Dominic (General Manger) to Pam cooking up the food. You all really need to come and check it out the next time we're there. Any predisposed notions should be thrown out the door...believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised.

The pictures for both of this past weekends shows are up, so go ahead and check them out on the website.

Now here comes another weekend and of course we'll be out to entertain you. We'll be playing at a new place here in town. The Starlight Room just opened up a couple of months ago and I really like this place a lot. It's located at 1031 Patricia (near West Ave. & Blanco). We're playing there this Friday, March 24, 2006 starting at 9:45 PM. The bar is great, the stage is big and the dance floor is even bigger so bring you dancing shoes.

I've been there to check the place out and it's a very contemporary and clean place. Megan (Bar Manager) and Chris (Co-Owner) are great people. They are really excited about having us, including all of you, out there this Friday night. So make your plans to be out there and support the few places in San Antonio that still bring live music to you.

Friday, March 24, 2006 @ 9:45 PM
Starlight Room
1031 Patricia
(Near West Ave & Blanco)