Thursday, July 6, 2006

AMPLIFYD – Rhythms

Thanks to Steve Elliott for this review of Amplifyd's CD Rhythms!

AMPLIFYD – Rhythms

By Steve Elliott

Okay, somebody answer this for me. With San Antonio home to such great blues artists like Ruben V and Jimmy Spacek, WHY isn’t blues music more popular here? It seems there’s only a few select clubs that will feature blues artists and band, and those are, sadly, few and far between.

Let me tell you, if you love the blues, especially tinged with a bit of rock, you are going to love Amplifyd! I met this band through MySpace, and after meeting them in person and listening to the “Rhythms” CD, I was hooked! This is a seriously kick-ass release and hard to believe it’s a three-piece band putting out such a big sound! The 10 tracks on this release will have you bopping your head throughout and hitting the repeat button over and over.

From the opening notes of the white-hot “No More Pain” to the closing chords of the beautiful instrumental “Peruvian Sunset,” Amplifyd take you on a blues-rock journey you’re really going to enjoy. Lead vocalist/drummer Deon Clark’s voice has that real bluesy Robert Cray sound that is pure butta! Clark and bassist Warren Hammond are one of the tightest rhythm sections I’ve ever heard and lock in perfectly behind guitarist John Bracy’s soaring guitar lines. Hammond and Bracy also provide excellent backing vocals throughout.

The third track here, entitled “Better Man,” features an infectious repeating bass and guitar line that set a perfect counterpoint to Clark’s impassioned vocals and percussion. “Waitin’ For You” starts off with a big drumbeat, with Bracy and Hammond launching into a brutal bass and slide guitar assault. “Missin’ Her” is classic blues, with the bass and guitar interweaving behind Clark’s vocals. “Loneliness” is a jazzier blues tune, and features great harmony vocals. “Dance Maria” is a Spanish-flavored rocker that tells the tale of meeting a beauty from south of the border. “My Sweet Lolita” is a burning blues number that shows off how tight this band is. "Flat Lands and Blue Skies” features some great acoustic guitar and is very upbeat.

The CD wraps up with the instrumental “Peruvian Sunset” which sounds like it could have come off an early Allman Brothers release. A driving bass and drums backbeat starts the song, with layered acoustics coming next, then electric guitar weaving in and out to create a beautiful sonic masterpiece. This last song is great driving music, as I found myself tapping my steering wheel along with the song, and throughout this entire CD.

You can find out more about Amplifyd at