Saturday, July 8, 2006

Thank you Steve Elliott

from Amplifyd:

Amplifyd would like to thank Steve Elliott from The Edge Magazine/Alter Ego for the great CD review he gave us. After years of trying to get this CD to the masses, it finally has happened. After passing out 100's of free CD's at our shows, things are starting to look good for us. Rick Sanford (former lead singer of Legs Diamond) got one of our CD's, he liked it and he asked us to play with him on July 15 at Papa Ray's Sports Bar. Not only do we wanna thank Steve Elliott, we also would like to thank Rowan / Sarocks for having this kick ass web-site, and for letting bands post reviews and thoughts. The San Antonio music scene needs more people like Steve, Rowan and Kelly. THANK YOU!!! By the way, if you see the flier for the Rick Sanford show that's us on the flier. The promoter misspelled our name, they put Amplifiied instead of Amplifyd. So come by and say hi and get a free CD. Thanks again.....