Monday, April 2, 2007


Hi everyone, I've kinda been a little incognito lately. Well, the reason is (if you don't already know)...we've been working on a new format for the nightly listings on! It's still a work in progress, but the basics are there now. THANKS TO GEORGE FOR SETTING THAT UP FOR ME!!

You can now add your gigs to the calendar yourself. Just go to and click on the Schedules tab. There, underneath the nightly schedule (you may have to scroll down), click on "Add Item to Schedule."

You will be taken to a page with a simple form on it. Just enter the band(s) that will be playing, the URL of your band's web site or MySpace page (only one URL can be entered), the name of the club/venue you will be playing at, the address of the venue, the date, time and any additional info. (I believe all fields are optional, but you need to at least list the band, venue and date for the entry to be valid. Any less and I'll have to delete it for not making sense.)

THIS IS IMPORTANT: At least for now, the format for the date is yyyymmdd, so today, April 2nd, would be 20070402. And the format for the time is military with seconds, hhmmss, so 9:30pm would be 213000. Just remember, if it's PM, add 12. Like 1:00 pm would be 1+12=13, so it would be 130000.

Also, you can't edit your listings. Only I can. So if you make a mistake or if a change is needed, you'll just need to shoot me an email and I'll change it for you.

Please list ONLY shows taking place in San Antonio and nearby areas, like San Marcos or Helotes, but not Austin or Corpus, etc. Listings for other cities will be removed.

I'm hoping this will help make the calendar more complete and make it easier for bands to make sure their shows get listed. The more input sarocks gets from the local music community, the more successful the site will be in doing its job, I think, which is to promote local music.


Also, I should have done this earlier, but I want to welcome a new member to the blog: SA Rocker!! I whined recently on the forum about needing some help with this thing, and SA Rocker stepped up and offered to help out. It's great to have someone else helping me keep up with what's going on around here!

Thanks and welcome, SA Rocker!! You rock!


Also, just want to mention that, while I was taking a break from the schedule, I kinda took a break on most other things around here. (Ok, the new expansion pack for The Sims 2 came's Seasons, and it's cool...they can get struck by lightning and make snowmen and turn into PlantSims and shit...but I digress.)

Anyway, a short break was nice, but I'm back in business now and will get back to updating the band list and venue list and writing that review from weeks ago that I never got done, and maybe even the CD reviews that I was supposed to do a long time ago...well, I'm gonna try to do all that, anyhow!